martedì 23 dicembre 2014


Per chi vuole Gratis 10 GHS di ricompensa accedere tramite questo link:
1. Quando si apre il sito web, creare un account, appositamente per gli utenti di Gmail, vedere che in arrivo scheda promozioni e-mail.
2. Crea un account inserire: username, email, password, e Chaptca
3. Controlla la tua e-mail per verificare il tuo account.
4. Quindi inserire il nome utente e la password che avete creato in precedenza.
5. Segui tutto il Giro del tutorial fino a compimento. Ricordate non fino a qualche mancati, tutto è 26 Tour. alla fine riceverete il bonus.
6. Controllare il cruscotto e che già ottiene il 10 GHS gratuito.
7. Clicca i minatori, Primew sezione Hashlets clicca Batch Aggiornamento Payout. Scegli Tipo di macchina -> BTC, sceglie di mettere in comune Genesis Multi.
8. I GHS bitcoin continuerà ogni giorno per tutta la vita.




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mercoledì 10 dicembre 2014

Facile ADSL è l’offerta ADSL di Cheapnet per connettersi in banda larga, tutti i giorni e 24 ore su 24 anche senza una linea telefonica Telecom attiva.

Con Facile ADSL puoi navigare in Internet, chattare, usare la posta elettronica, scaricare tutti i migliori contenuti disponibili in Rete e utilizzare CheapVoIP, l’innovativa telefonia via Internet per fare e ricevere telefonate semplicemente e in tutto il mondo risparmiando fino al 96% rispetto agli operatori telefonici tradizionali.

Cheapnet, grazie a Facile ADSL, è stato uno dei primi operatori a promuovere l’attivazione dell’ADSL anche senza linea telefonica permettendo così di risparmiare sul canone Telecom.

Il servizio può essere attivato anche in presenza di una linea telefonica. Il Cliente ha la libertà di scegliere la soluzione che meglio soddisfa le sue esigenze.

Facile ADSL ha anche altre caratteristiche esclusive e gratuite come la configurazione fast, indispensabile per giocare on line e utilizzare il VoIP, l’indirizzo IP fisso (fino ad 8), fondamentale per un uso anvanzato di Internet e una banda minima garantita tra le più alte disponibili sul mercato.


cheapnet-wireless (1)



Cheapnet Wireless è l’offerta di Cheapnet per connettersi in banda larga, tutti i giorni e 24 ore su 24 anche senza una linea telefonica e senza limiti della chiavetta.

Cheapnet Wireless arriva in moltissime località dove non è disponibile il servizio ADSL, sia che si tratti di aree residenziali o industriali isolate che zone rurali in montagna o campagna contribuendo così a ridurre o ad annullare il digital divide.

La copertura territoriale di Cheapnet Wireless è in continua crescita: per avere immediatamente un’idea delle zone in cui è presente, basta consultare la Mappa di Copertura.




Telefona in tutto il mondo tramite internet

Comunicare gratis con tutti gli utenti CheapVoIP

CheapVoIP è il servizio di Cheapnet per poter telefonare tramite Internet e risparmiare fino al 96% rispetto agli operatori telefonici tradizionali.

CheapVoIP si basa sull’innovativa tecnologia VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) che permette di trasportare la voce attraverso Internet da e verso utenti della rete telefonica tradizionale.

Grazie a CheapVoIP è possibile fare e ricevere telefonate da tutto il mondo ai prezzi più bassi del mercato; tutte le chiamate tra utenti Cheap Voip sono gratuite.

Le offerte CheapVoIP Home e Cheap VoIP Business prevedono un profilo base, senza canone e senza scatto alla risposta, con inclusa l’assegnazione di un numero telefonico geografico (es: 02 per Milano, 06 per Roma, 055 per Firenze).






Il nome a dominio è un indirizzo internet che permette di localizzare il proprio sito in modo univoco digitando il nome scelto.

Nato dall’esigenza di essere presenti e visibili in Internet, è molto importante per proteggere il marchio e il nome dell’impresa o della persona individuale dal rischio di appropriazioni indebite.

I domini Cheapnet, acquistabili nel nostro Virtual Shop, e disponibili per le estensioni più utilizzate nella rete (.it .com. .net .org .eu .info), offrono un rapporto qualità/prezzo altamente concorrenziale, grazie anche alla possibilità di associarlo a un nostro piano Hosting, all’assistenza offerta in fase di registrazione e trasferimento del dominio e alle comunicazioni chiare e puntuali che Cheapnet è in grado di mettere a disposizione dell’utente.

Per effettuare la registrazione è sufficiente seguire la procedura guidata che si trova verificando la disponibilità del sito richiesto e acquistando il dominio.

Per ogni dominio attivato Cheapnet fornisce 3 forward di posta elettronica oltre al redirect verso quasliasi sito.

Per qualsiasi tipologia di dominio l’attivazione arriva in 24/48 ore dal riscontro del pagamento.





I servizi Hosting Cheapnet sono la scelta ideale per chi è interessato ad un servizio di qualità e semplice da utilizzare. Grazie al pannello di controllo Plesk (per Windows e Linux) è possibile gestire sia lo spazio web che la posta elettronica e, con pochi click, completare tutte le attività anche per chi ha poca o nessuna esperienza di web o siti Internet.

La versione dimostrativa di Plesk è disponibile seguendo indicazioni presentate nella sezione “Pannello di controllo” presenti nella pagina di supporto.

I nostri servizi, disponibili su piattaforma Linux e Windows, vanno dai profili più semplici come Hosting 75 MB, ideale per una soluzione snella ed immediata, ad Hosting 2500 MB per un uso più professionale.

Per i webmaster che hanno l’esigenza di gestire e rivendere più siti in modo semplice ed economico, la soluzione ideale è rappresentata dalla gamma Reseller con spazi frazionabili, da 500MB a 3GB, e con la possibilità di creare fino a 100 siti indipendenti. Tutti i nostri hosting sono compatibili con i principali CMS: Joomla!, WordPress e Drupal.

Tutti gli Hosting sono ospitati nella nostra Web Farm italiana , dove avviene la raccolta dati nazionale ed internazionale e le soluzioni tecnologiche garantiscono un up-time del 99%.





I Server Dedicati Cheapnet sono la scelta ideale per chi è interessato ad un servizio di elevata qualità in completa indipendenza. Come spiega la parola “dedicati” si tratta di una vera e propria macchina messa a disposizione del cliente sulla quale egli può, rispettando i limiti di risorse, fare ciò che più desidera.

La nostra scelta è diversa da quella di tutti gli altri operatori che offrono servizi simili: abbiamo scelto di fare offerte su misura, adattabili alle esigenze del cliente, senza obbligarlo a scegliere necessariamente tra prodotti preconfigurati. Potrete scegliere il sistema operativo, Linux o Windows, la banda, da 512K/s fino a 30 Mega, se attivare il pannello di controllo Plesk o meno, e molto altro ancora.

Tutti i Server sono ospitati nella nostra Web Farm italiana, dove avviene la raccolta dati nazionale ed internazionale e dove le soluzioni tecnologiche adottate garantiscono un up-time del 99%, che, unito ad un continuo monitoraggio da parte del nostro reparto di assistenza, permette al cliente di avere un servizio altamente professionale e affidabile.




Cheapnet PEC

Posta Elettronica Certificata

La posta elettronica certificata (PEC) Cheapnet è uno strumento che permette di attribuire, ad un messaggio di posta elettronica, lo stesso valore legale di una raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno.

Tale garanzia è possibile grazie al fatto che il gestore del servizio rilascia al mittente una ricevuta che costituisce prova legale dell’avvenuta spedizione del messaggio (inclusi gli eventuali allegati) e il gestore del destinatario invia al mittente la ricevuta di avvenuta consegna.

Tutto questo fa si che i gestori certifichino con le ricevute di invio e ricezione il fatto che il messaggio sia stato spedito, sia stato consegnato e che non risulti alterato, segnalando eventuali errori che possono verificarsi in una qualsiasi fase del processo di spedizione.

La PEC Cheapnet è rivolta quindi a tutti quei soggetti che hanno l’esigenza di inviare messaggi sicuri, in tempi rapidi e con grande efficienza.

La posta Elettronica Certificata Cheapnet si rivolge alle Aziende, agli Enti Pubblici e ai privati che utilizzano con continuità fax cartacei o raccomandate e, più in generale, a tutti coloro che vogliono evitare code agli sportelli e spese inutili.

Cheapnet PEC è utile non solo per chi gestisce documenti con valore legale come raccomandate o un fax ma anche per tutti coloro che vogliono semplicemente inviare messaggi di posta elettronica in sicurezza, visti gli elevati livelli di controllo che vengono garantiti da questo innovativo sistema di comunicazione.

Scopri subito come attivare Cheapnet PEC, anche con Dominio personalizzato!





Nuovo servizio Cheapnet Fax

Semplice, sicuro ed economico

Cheapnet Fax è il servizio che ti permette di utilizzare un servizio di fax virtuale tramite email e/o web. Con questa soluzione è possibile inviare e/o ricevere Fax con soluzioni estremamente economiche ed innovative.

Risparmio ed ecologia

Grazie a Cheapnet Fax è possibile risparmiare in quanto non è più necessario, per inviare e ricevere fax, dotarsi di una linea telefonica e di un costoso apparecchio fax nè consumare carta, toner, corrente elettrica e spazio con evidenti benefici sia in termini di costi economici che ambientali.

In più le tariffe per utilizzare Cheapnet Fax sono estremamente convenienti.

Flessibilità ed innovazione.

Sono molte le funzionalità di Cheapnet Fax che semplificano e potenziano l’utilizzo del fax rispetto alle soluzioni tradizionali:

  • Archivio web: estremamente pratico e funzionale permette di gestire i fax sia in entrata che in uscita in maniera semplice ed immediata senza l’obbligo di mantenere le copie cartacee con i conseguenti problemi di gestione ed ingombro.

  • Invio tramite computer: è possibile inviare i fax direttamente tramite il computer con cui sono stati realizzati senza doverli preventivamente stampare.

  • Invio e ricezione multipla: permette di inviare e/o ricevere fax contemporaneamente (fino a 30 e senza limiti di coda) senza doversi dotare di complesse e costose infrastrutture fisiche e telefoniche, tutta la soluzione è gestibile via Internet a costi estremamente bassi.

  • FAX Gateway: permette di inserire un riferimento cliente personalizzabile, in modo da poter identificare, anche quando si inviano più fax contemporaneamente, un determinato FAX in maniera univoca. Questo sistema permette l’integrazione con il software dell’utente, in modo da poter utilizzare l’invio anche massivo di FAX in maniera rapida e facilmente comprensibile.

  • E molto altro ancora

Se non hai ancora attivato Cheapnet Fax scopri come fare.




Cheapnet SMS

SMS con mittente personalizzato

Cheapnet SMS permette di inviare messaggi SMS (Short Message Service) utilizzando internet anzichè il telefono cellulare.

Ogni utente potrà utilizzare la comoda interfaccia WEB, presente all’interno dell’area utenti, oppure può sfruttare il client SMS, un software per Microsoft Windows™ che permette di inviare SMS in maniera ancora più immediata.

Grazie alla potente rubrica integrata con la propria posta elettronica, è inoltre possibile spedire messaggi a più destinatari.

Il cliente potrà scegliere, se inviare SMS con mittente personalizzato, potendo scegliere fino a 30 mittenti di tipo testuale (ad esempio il nome della propria azienda o il proprio nome o una combinazione alfanumerica).

Con Cheapnet SMS viene completato il sistema di messaggistica che comprende anche la casella di Posta elettronica, la PEC e il Fax, sia via-mail che via web, e che permette quindi, di sfruttare un unico strumento, il computer, per svolgere tutte le operazioni di comunicazioni desiderate.


Link:   Cheapnet


martedì 9 dicembre 2014

Buy and sell Bitcoins for USD or EUR with payment cards or via bank transfers easily. Get into Bitcoin Trading on the worldwide Bitcoin Exchange.

CEX.IO is probably one of the oldest cloud mining providers. They have proven reliable and secure. It is not just a cloud mining provider, as well it has a built in trading feature, where you can trade your GHS to Bitcoins. The keyword is buy low – sell high. Altough this has been very difficult in the last months, as of right now the BTC/GHS rate only knows one way – DOWN! If you are not a good trader, we recommend to not invest into CEX.IO, because it is kinda difficult to make a profit there. With the new trading fee it is unlikely to make a profit even though you might be an advanced trader. The GHS you buy are for a lifetime, and unlike PBMINING they come with a high maintenance fee. Currently 0.00045฿ per GHS/Hour. This makes it highly unprofitable for anyone who just wants to mine Bitcoin in the cloud and doesn’t trade. A plus is that CEX.IO instantly pays you out when you reach 0.01฿. Like most other cloud mining providers they have a refferal system although you only get 3% of what your refferal user bought. Buying or selling some GHS is really easy, just fund your account with some Bitcoin and place a buy order. To sell GHS just place a sell order.

What made us happy to see and use is, that now you can also mine and trade Altcoins (Currently IXC, DVC, LTC and NMC). If you have GHS on CEX.IO you will mine Altcoins simultaneously with Bitcoin mining, this process is called merged mining. Merged mining does not affect your Bitcoin mining at all. If you decide to go with CEX.IO we recommend that you activate the two factor authentification to ensure maximum security for your account. A really nice feature is, that you can reedem physical hardware if you have enough GHS in your account. Hoverboard I (115 – 190 GH/s), Hoverboard II (300 – 400 GH/s) and BitBox (450 – 550 GH/s). Just contact the support and they will calculate the shipping cost and time. Although the support will respond you very slow. With CEX.IO you will mine in the GHash.IO pool.

User friendlyness?

+ Fast, easy and free signup
+ Investments as low as 1 GHS
+ Two factor authentification for your account

Website functionality?

+ Easy to understand advanced live dashboard
+ Display of your active orders
+ Option to trade or sell your GHS


+ Transparent
+ Registered business in the United Kingdom




Little guide to get started with the system
This is a simple guide to explain how to get started now to undermine Bitcoin on
You first need to register for the site, then go to this page and in the top right you will find the button Sign up, at this point, enter the required information, if you have trouble with English, like me, you can get help from Google Traslate .

At this point, it seems to me that there may be asked to confirm your subscription by mail, then you can go back to the previous page and using the button in the upper right Sign In, inserting the credentials you can get into your account.
Now to start digging Bitcoin must make a charge, then the page Balance (Menu button on top) find the address to which you will have to send your Bitcoin, which will serve as an investment iniziale.Il your address in order to make the payment is located in the box under this written Send your Bitcoins to this address:
If you do not know where to buy the currency, lately on various forums, they are speaking highly of OKPAY,

is also in Italian, then let us know if you found yourself well. or take advantage of the sites as previously explained.
The transfer from your Wallet and could impiegarci few minutes, you can check the status of the page transzione always Balance Transactions in the table.

Once the transfer was made, we have to buy power to start digging (generate) Bitcoin.
There explaing the easiest way, which has been implemented recently, the page Trade, always from the top menu, you have to look for the tab Instant buy or sell GHS, at the left, under the word BTC To spend and click, then click on figure beside the word “your BTC balance” and later on “Place Order”, then press the Buy Now and accept the date in the following window.
Follow the same procedure in the “GHS / NMC” to buy GHS (computing power) using NMC ie an ‘other cryptomoneta of little value.
Now you have purchased power and value you’ll find it in the top under the heading GHS, an example below

Once you acquire the power system will start automatically and will begin to dig, you can see it in action on the page ghâsh, from the top menu, this page is the pool (Poll) miners seeking Bitcoin.
Last shift in the table, under the column Your Speed is the computing power you are working with, rather Last Block in the table, the column Payout indicates what is your part in Bitcoin for each block, that is basically what is your gain, logically more your computing power will be higher, the higher will be your gain.
The interesting thing is the fact that your earnings in the bitcoin can reinvest, maybe paying attention when the computing power is cheaper and sell when it is most elevato.Sono convinced that with some practice it will become increasingly easy and intuitive .
Lately, more of began to undermine other currencies like the Devcoin Ixcoin and, for now, have a very low value, but then who would have said a year ago that the Bitcoin would be increased from a value of a few tens dollars to graze in a few months almost Mille? I think it is worth trying.



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Buy and sell Bitcoins for USD or EUR with payment cards or via bank transfers easily. Get into Bitcoin Trading on the worldwide Bitcoin Exchange.


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There are no Advertisements, No hourly Captchas and we will not be spamming you with commercial messages. The coins we give daily to every user increase gradually over time as well. Furthermore, we apply a loyalty bonus that increases the daily payouts with 0.1% per day.


Who is ?

During our review we were surprised to find how transparent they are with their contact information business.  Is a

During our review we were surprised to find how transparent they are with their contact information business. Is an officially registered company in Hong Kong and their address is on their website. The name is CEO Wouter van der Shagt. Was invented in December 2013 and was officially launched in January 2014. Has a social media presence in all the major sites and appear to be active on them. They have a Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Google + 1, which is quite active with social media posts.

What is ?

Is currently a web site in which only the opening of a deposit account will be fractions of Bitcoin, and Litecoin Dogecoin your account. The system is 90% automated, all you have to do is open an account at their website and coins will be deposited each day. To withdraw must manually request.

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Why give me free Bitcoins?

Seems Bitcoin giving out free as an incentive to join their website. Their strategy seems as if you are raising a massive user base Bitcoin so they can then launch further new products related Bitcoin. This is based on information they include in their “Our vision of the future” of their website. We assume that eventually enter the space of affiliate marketing and start pushing Bitcoin sister and partner, the products on their user base.

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Free Bitcoins are automatically deposited into your account every 24 hours. Do not you have to ask yourself.

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Withdrawal from must be done manually by logging into your account and request a payment. There is a minimum payout that can be achieved in a few weeks if there is no reference to any site. We strongly advise you to use your referral link from them to increase the daily amount of Bitcoins free.


Overall is perhaps the easiest way to free Bitcoins. All that is needed is to set up an account and wait a couple of weeks for the surroundings of Bitcoin to accumulate.



                                                Click Here To SignUp





lunedì 8 dicembre 2014


For those who want Free 10 GH reward accessed via this link:
1. When you open the website, create an account, specifically for users of Gmail, see incoming board email promotions.
2. Create an account to enter: username, email, password, and Chaptca
3. Check your email to verify your account.
4. Then enter the username and password that you created earlier.
5. Follow all Around the tutorial up to completion. Remember not until some missed, everything is 26 Tour. In the end you will receive the bonus.
6. Check the dashboard and you already get 10 free GH.
7. Click the miners, Primew section Hashlets click Batch Update Payout. Choose type machine -> BTC, chooses to pool Genesis Multi.
8. The GHS bitcoin will continue every day for life.


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domenica 30 novembre 2014

Understanding Self Defense

It is not a hidden fact that criminals and violence exist in all parts of the world. No matter how efficient the security agencies become the cases of violence and rape does not seem to decrease. The cause of this problem is a little bitter, but true. Most people in our society do not realize the fact that security agencies cannot keep them protected all the time. You must have often observed that when you are just walking by a street at night, the streets are empty and any one can harass you or mug you without much resistance. That is when your self defense skills come into play.

So, if you want to learn more about these skills, here are a few of the important key points that that will help you:

• Moving around in less populated areas can be scary and dangerous as well. If you study most cases of rape, violence or mugging, you will see a clear pattern. The pattern is that most of these crimes occur at less populated areas at night. So, when you are walking through such an area, you must be ready to take care of your own self. There is no guarantee that the police or any other security guards will always be there to protect you. So, if a criminal tries to hurt you, you must know the self defense techniques to defend yourself and get away from the situation. Otherwise, you may suffer from some severely dangerous consequences.

• It is a myth that you need to have a strong body to become good at learning self defense techniques. Anyone can learn these techniques and become an expert in defending techniques. All you need is a professional training from qualified professionals who can make you learn the right moves with proper execution and precision. Remember, defending yourself from a criminal is a very delicate matter. You cannot afford to even get into the act of defending yourself, if you have not trained well. In fact, instead of making you safe, a partial or poorly executed training can certainly work against you. So, never compromise on choosing a training professional for yourself.

• The best way to defend against the acts of violence or a crime is to avoid them. Instead of getting into a situation where you have to defend yourself, it is always better to avoid such situations. For instance, taking populated routes at night is always a better option than taking isolated or dangerous routes. You may have to spend more time while going through the populated routes, but it is certainly better than being harmed while saving only a few minutes.

• Last, but not the least, pay attention to your surroundings when you are walking alone. Some people do not seem to pay attention to their surroundings and keep walking while texting or chatting on the call. This is an extremely dangerous practice as you have far more chances to get hurt when you are not mentally prepared to face anything that comes your way. On the other hand, if you are aware of your surroundings, you may act quickly to any action against you.

To wrap it all, it is safe to say that learning self defense skills are extremely important for people from all aspects of life. Also, no matter where you live or what you do, you must be aware of your surroundings.

If you want to learn more about self defense techniques and strategies, Hertao is the best resource for you. It will not only teach you the techniques, but also the strategies to stay safe from any harm. For more information, Visit

Understanding Self Defense

The great fatcow web hosting

MusicBrainz Servers March 2010
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Image by mayhem

The MusicBrainz servers today as of March 2010. See the notes in the image for more details!

Fatcow web hosting provider was introduced in 1998. They were interested in starting their own hosting industry. Domain registration, shared hosting, and ecommerce services are the different services provided by Fatcow. The quality and function of the hosting solutions are high while the price of the hosting service is low when compared with other hosting providers. They also provide an entire service with reliability, function and power. The quality buyer support is provided to the potential and current web host buyers. This is an outstanding company which has their own unique package.

The hosting package for one year is just 78 dollars. This package consists of unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space. The website hosting tools and shopping cart along with five MySQL databases are given by FatCow. The company provides a reliable buyer support and 30 days money back guarantee plans and a interactive applications are also available. The company also offers a MiniMoo package for the users who does not require a whole web hosting plan. This MiniMoo package offers an email account and email forwarding. Apart from this other plans are also available. The price value of the MiniMoo package is just 5 dollar per month. Some of the applications in FatCow include a blog, ecommerce features; imagine galleries, discussion board and much more. These applications are very easy to use and are secure too.

The FatCow offers many discount plans. The discount starts from about 50% for the hosting buyers. The hosting buyers get more benefit and save their money while hosting in Fatcow. Instead of giving rebate when you order, the company gives you discounted rate when you renews. This makes a great different in price value. By paying fewer amounts you can get more beneficial services through this company. Some of the exceptional bargains can be made by using FatCow coupon. You can create uncountable email addresses and databases. Free trail, free set up and free internet hosting are offered by different FatCow coupons.

Undoubtedly FatCow coupon is one of the add-on services for the business people. When compared with the other hosting companies, this company costs fewer amounts to host. The FatCow coupon has everything to make your online business in profit. Large bandwidth and disk space is provided by the packages. These coupons are announced at different times and this will help the business people to buy the extra products to their web sites. Some of the examples were web page builder and script barn. The company gives you a complete guidance and technical support through the skilled staff. The hosting service provided by FatCow is truly 100% eco-friendly. These types of coupons are especially for the small business people. The company offers about 50% discount and you can pay a monthly payment of 5 dollar.


Make use of fatcow coupons to save your money.

A web hosting package includes everything. Choose your own domain name and you are ready to go with your own website, personal email addresses and ph…
Video Rating: 3 / 5

The great fatcow web hosting

Top Three Coolest Engineer Jobs

Gulfstream Aerospace GIV-X (G450) s/n 4116 – N516VE, Valero Sevices at KLAS
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Image by AV8PIX Christopher Ebdon


Some of the coolest jobs on the planet are engineering jobs.

Aeronautical engineers. These kinds of engineers will be expected to work on aviation projects, which might involve working on the electrics of an aircraft, the construction of it, or perhaps software engineering. An aeronautical engineer will have a cool engineering job because they may get to work on some of the biggest, fastest and most innovative aircraft of our time. This includes stealth jets and fighter planes. The job can be highly rewarding and very challenging, but one of the coolest engineering jobs around.


Aerospace engineers. For any employers looking to recruit engineers of this qualification and experience, candidates must have a keen interest in aerospace and strong practical, mathematical and scientific skills. The aerospace engineer may have a variety of duties, but one of the coolest roles to have in the discipline is to work on space programs. Being part of one of the most innovative and challenging areas of engineering can be very rewarding for an aerospace engineer. They may work on space research, working on UAVs, space equipment, or even space shuttles. The aerospace engineer will work as part of a larger network to develop the aerospace systems and projects. Salaries can be attractive for an accomplished aerospace engineer.


Automotive engineers. These kinds of engineers work on vehicles, so anything from trucks, to cars, to bikes. The jobs might include designing, installing, or repairing problems with a vehicle. So what makes it so cool? Some automotive engineers have the fantastic opportunity to be able to test and drive the cars that they have been working on. The job can be highly rewarding because not only do you get to have a key part in developing a new and exciting car, but you also have an important role in getting that car on the road and in the public. These engineers may work on the transmission on gears or the safety of the vehicle, key features to the development of the car. Test driving the cars can be incredibly exhilarating, knowing that you have developed this car to what it is. The engineer may have to work long hours, but salaries can be rewarding even for a graduate. To recruit automotive engineer jobs, employers tend to advertise with local agencies or on their own website.



Joseph Samden is a highly experienced Engineering recruiter who has placed some of the UKs most experienced engineers. Joseph is the first call for many of the UKs most respected engineering firms who call upon his years of expertise to help fill dozens of engineering jobs.

Top Three Coolest Engineer Jobs

Web Hosting From The Human Side

Web Hosting Servers
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Image by ivanpw

The right web hosting provider is crucial in your webpreneurship success. Here are some suggestions for you:

Webpreneurs: Which web hosting provider to choose?

If you are looking to become a master dvd ripper then you will have to learn the basics of the subject. Ripping a dvd refers to converting the audio or video data from a dvd format to a digital copy on your hard disk. In this article you will learn the basics of how to become an efficient dvd ripper.

If you use a video ripper it will compress the video into mpeg-4, avi, DivX, or Ogg Theora. If you use a dvd audio ripper it will compress the audio from the dvd into a format such as mp3, wav, or ogg. To completely rip a dvd you will either need both a dvd audio ripper and a video ripper, or you will need a dvd ripper that does both audio and video ripping.

Not only are there dvd rippers to convert a dvd to a format your PC can deal with, but there is now even a dvd ripper that allows you to put a dvd onto a video iPod. This software will convert your dvd to a video that can be added to your playlist on your video iPod for free.

The speed which your dvd ripper can work depends on several factors. One of the big factors is the drive speed. For instance an 8x drive will have the capability of ripping the dvd 8 times faster than the dvd will play. Another factor that will effect how fast your dvd ripper goes is cpu speed. If you have a slow cpu that will make it so the dvd ripper cannot keep up with the drive and will cause a slowdown.

Since a dvd ripper uses a lot of cpu processes and disk space it is important that you keep your computer clear of junk and keep it as lean and mean as possible. You do not want a bunch of spyware, software updates, mp3 players, games, applications, etc running in the background as they could screw up the process of the dvd audio ripper and the video dvd ripper. It is also important to have a fast machine that can handle conversion of dvds to your hard drive. A recent machine that has a 2ghz+ processor should be able to do the job quite well. Also having more than 40gb of free space is recommended as you do not want to spend an hour ripping your dvd only to find that your dvd ripper has ran out of space and must quit.

Now that you have learned the basics of dvd ripping,

The Managed VPS hosting is generally the best option for many reasons likely in terms of quality and quantity.•Managed VPS hosting also provides the user with the facility of the system backups and recoveries.

Domain Names & Web Hosting Explained focus_keyword mqdefault Domain Names & Web Hosting Explained. Web Hosting is a service that allows you to publish your website so that it c…

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Engineering Services Outsourcing Companies ? Increase in Engineering Service Outsourcing

Aerospace museum of California – at former McClelland AFB
aerospace focus_keyword 12407838985 c61698bb85

Image by wbaiv


Various engineering requirements and demands have resulted in the increased emergence of engineering services outsourcing companies. These enterprises use efficient resources and high-end technologies that enable them to provide high quality products within a limited time span. In addition to that, these products are cost-effective, bestowing upon their clients and end users a competitive advantage.

Prominent names in engineering services outsourcing companies and their end-to end- engineering endeavors assist you to reduce the total cost of operation and product development. They possess delivery centers around the globe that are involved in various engineering projects of global eminence. These centers are in turn responsible for exporting controlled projects and assignment dedicated to numerous places around the world.

These centers consist of project engineers and expert engineering consultants who work in teams. They are connected with diverse projects that range from concept designing, to designing civil structures, product realization solution, industrial products, oil and gas transportation, power generation and many more. Furthermore, these organizations comprise a sound global product development network involved in offering quicker, greater and value-optimized engineering products, services and solutions. Other various services that these companies provide are-

• Design and detailing

• Manufacturing services

• Plant and Process

• Sustenance engineering

• Special Services

• Technical Publications

• Embedded Systems

• Engineering Analysis

Numerous advantages accrue from the above-mentioned engineering services. They are listed as follows:-

• There is a greater focus given on core activities

• You can experience more work force flexibility

• Time to market is quicker

• Production development costs are reduced largely

• There is knowledge retention

• You are able to shift to a variable cost model

Another important reason behind outsourcing engineering services is to minimize operation expenses and other allied costs. Other secondary causes are, being able to be in contact with innovative engineering solutions and a huge global talent pool. For some engineering firms, it is an excellent chance to network globally. Aerospace engineering services are one more prominent segment where the outsourcing rate for machine parts and other products are high. This holds true both for the commercial as well as military fields. Today’s new age engineering products pass through various levels of mechanization and inspection to cater to the ever-increasing needs of clients.

Writing article is my hobby..

Engineering Services Outsourcing Companies ? Increase in Engineering Service Outsourcing

Register And Be A Member Of The Number One Irish Forum Worldwide

Online communities are very much popular nowadays. You can see various websites offering either dating or friendship all across the globe. Some examples are FaceBook, Friendster, MySpace, Twitter and many more. There is nothing wrong with that, but dont you think that its going to be a lot better if you meet people that are actually those that you can be friends with? Individuals those are just within your country? With that, there is an Irish forum that enables Irish individuals to talk about whats happening within their country, and at the same time, be able to mingle with them by setting up meetings depending on the best preferred location by the group.

Basically, the forum is not just for knowing and meeting people its also about discussing things that Irish men and women love the most. So if you are someone who is passionate about something, then it is best to join the best and the most popular Irish Centre in the entire World Wide Web!

Signing up is easy. It only requires a few details coming from you like, your name, email address for verification purposes, and other data like location and birthday. Dont worry your details are safe since the site only uses it for verification and for their database information entries. Your details will not be given to third companies or sell it just to make profit out of them.

Whats in store for me? Why should I sign up for an Irish forum?

Mainly, it is to get connected with thousands of Irish men and individuals regardless of their location. Some people just wanted to share their daily opinions; some would rather help people solve problems with regard to their computers, problems with cars, problems and solutions to pets and such. Primarily, the community discussion board can discuss about anything under the sun! This is why it makes an Irish forum one of a kind. Speaking of topics, here are just some of the categories that you will be able to find and tackle about in the best Irish Forum in the entire world. The categories may include but is not limited to:

* Travel

Be updated with the latest prices and offers in various travel agencies all around the country. Get a chance to get the best deals when it comes to your travel needs. Members are free to share their travel experiences and comment on each others stories at the same time.

* Sports

Have you been anticipating for a game, and wanted to know the schedules? This is the best category to look for the schedule, or share insights about the particular game.

* Family

If you are more on a family man, then definitely you may want to check out the category more often. You can get the chance to find offers and discounts on various family deals packages, regardless of what it is!

* Home properties

Planning to buy or sell a home? This is the place to go. Find people who are either buying or selling their homes and negotiate with them freely.

* Jobs

Job seeking individuals can also take advantage of this Irish forum as this gives the latest advertisements on job openings. You can also post an advertisement about your experiences and offer the services that you have.

* Buy and sell

Got a car to buy or something to sell? Shout it out in this category.

When it comes to online community, an Irish Forum can greatly help you with whatever your needs are. Be a member and enjoy the advantages that are in store for you.

Ultimate-Hosting VPS servers 2011 focus_keyword mqdefault 50% Discount on all plans for one month . get a free domain name on 2 plans. Half-Priced business hosting offerings provid…

Register And Be A Member Of The Number One Irish Forum Worldwide

sabato 29 novembre 2014

Denver criminal defense

The consequences of a conviction could be severe

The ramifications for facing criminal charges could well be severe. Not only may one face a potentially hefty fine, but they may also face substantial time behind bars. A successful conviction means that you no longer have a right to your life, liberty, or property. It is thus in a person’s best interest to present a strong and meaningful defense.

Yet, the ramifications of criminal charges go far beyond merely what the police and state prosecutors can do. Often times, even unfounded allegations may lead to serious reputational harm. Someone who has thus been accused of a crime could have difficulty holding down a job, find their access to their own kids is heavily restricted, and that they have become an object of scorn in the community.

But by working with a Denver criminal defense attorney, it may be possible not only to secure a fair result but also to prevent unfounded allegations from affecting one’s personal life.

All are innocent until proven guilty

Many times, news reports about a particular incident are written from information provided by the police. Quite understandably, the police wish to present themselves in as favorable a light as possible, and the news report reflects this. Unfortunately, it also does a great disservice to the alleged suspect, who may not even be guilty of the alleged crimes.

A Denver criminal defense attorney can ensure that one’s right to a fair trial is not put in jeopardy because of inaccurate news stories. In any criminal trial, there is a process of jury selection during which the defense may remove a few jurors that it believes would be unfairly biased in the case at hand. An experienced and knowledgeable attorney can spot such jurors and ensure that they are not ultimately chosen for the criminal trial.

The court system can be complicated

Colorado criminal law is an extensive subject covering many areas, and it is also quite complicated. The law is often written in a language and terminology that may seem utterly foreign to those not well-versed in it. But by working with a Denver Criminal Defense Lawyer, it is often possible to successfully navigate the law and obtain a fair result.

Moreover, the law contains many rules and procedures that govern the judicial system. Without a fair understanding of these rules and procedures, a criminal defendant may be put at a significant disadvantage, especially when facing prosecutors who will aggressively pursue the case. But, a Denver criminal defense attorney can help level the playing field.


The right Denver Criminal Defense Lawyer for your case may be tough to find. I highly recommend taking your time before settling on one.

Denver criminal defense

Linux Hosting Vs Windows Hosting

hosting focus_keyword 4806404258 923a36e849

Image by carnagenyc

Linux internet hosting traces its start from ‘Linux’, an open-source laptopoperatingprocessbased upon the concept of free of chargesoftware packagereadily available to any individual to freely use, increase, modify and in many cases redistribute. Windows hosting, in contrast, relates to Windows operatingtechnique wherein the software program is proprietary item of Microsoft.

Considering thatgetting an open-source operatingmethod, Linux hosting tends to becomeless expensive than Windows hosting. In addition to, Linux hosting is considered as one of manymost important pillars in the LAMP server-software combination – Linux, Apache, MySQL and Php/Perl/Python. Popularity of Linux hostingamongstnetbuilderscan be judged through theproven fact thata fantasticseveral open-source softwarehappen to becreated and are currently beingconstantlyproducedat no cost use among discerning internetfanatics.

No matter whetherone particular chooses Linux hosting or Windows hosting will to an incredible extent depend on what the webmaster proposes to performtogether with hisweb page. Hereis abrief rundown of both Linux hosting and Windows internet hosting.

Linux Hosting

Linux hostingcan be abeneficialchoicewhen youtake into considerationthat you simply have perpetual options of making use of open-source software package for your internet hostingwants. Linux hosting would meantheworkingprogram is entirelyappropriate with PHP, that is steadily getting to beone of the mostwell-liked programming language.

It’svitalto recollect that Linux is actually a breeding ground of practicing programmers all over the world and innumerable programs are being authored, re-written and testedall the time. What this implies in easyterms is Linux internet hosting will generallyhold the door open to let in refreshing air of new discoveries. For an avid consumer, next to nothing beats Linux internet hostingin thisfacet.

The other benefit with Linux hostingisit can becheap. Why? Considering that most applicationsoftware package are totally freeto install and use, the internet hostingprice is diminished to only maintenance of servers. Considering the fact that proprietary programare usually not installed, numerous overhead bills are avoided in case of Linux internet hosting. This permitsinternet hostingproviders to pass around the cost-advantage to its customers of Linux internet hosting.

Right here are some examples of common open-source applicationcomputer software, principally in PHP, that could be effortlesslyutilized in Linux hosting.

Ecommerce Purchasing Cart : OS Commerce, Zen-Cart
Content material Management Program : Drupal, PHP-Nuke, Mambo
Blog : WordPress, Nucleus CMS
Photograph Gallery : 4Images, Coppermine

Windows Internet hosting

Windows internet hostinghelps make use of Microsoft’s proprietary Windows applicationfor the host server. In distinction with Linux internet hosting, Windows internet hostingenables integration mainly with Microsoft’s personalmerchandise and providers. One example is, when youplan dynamic webcontent, you have to use ASP (Lively Server Pages) or the innovative ASP.NET as your programming language, eachproduced by Microsoft to become linked to SQL databases.

Interestingly, if youdecide on MySQL as your database, you could possiblydecide for both Linux hosting or Windows internet hosting, but in case your preference for database is MS Entry, your option is only Windows hosting.

Windows hosting has limitedhelp for CGI / Perl, so if your favored scripts are in Perl, it has to be Linux hostingto suit your needs. In contrast, superiornews for FrontPage usersis always thatalthoughit truly isessentially a proprietary Microsoft-owned computer softwareapplication, many Linux hosting do assist FrontPage extensions.

There’s an argument theperson interface for Windows internet hosting is significantlysimplerbetweenthe two. Nonetheless, of late Linux hostingtoo has improved on this score.

Coming to expenseanalysis, Windows hosting is costly not merelyon account of proprietary software package, but additionallydue to theindisputable fact that Windows servers as these are costly, compared to servers employed for Linux internet hosting.

Summing Up

Glossing in excess of, what emerges is always thatit is thepurposeof one’sinternet site and its potentialpreparewhich might be the figuring outthingsinvolvingselecting Linux hosting and Windows hosting. To becomeconfident, all really serioushostingcompanies will, in differentmixture, supply a choice of both Windows hosting and Linux internet hosting.

Linux Hosting Vs Windows Hosting

venerdì 28 novembre 2014

Cloud Hosting versus Shared Hosting

Htea Alone Taboo Devs Dart Host
hosting focus_keyword 8558997117 292b7fd83e

Image by carnagenyc

The internet is changing the way we trade, the way we communicate, and other aspects of our lives. This is partly because of the millions of websites that offer different solutions. For websites to be on the World Wide Web, their domains have to be hosted. The traditional method of web hosting is shared hosting, but cloud hosting is gaining ground because of its many advantages.

Each of the two options has some advantages and some disadvantages. This article will shed some light into those which will in turn help you make an informed decision.

Traffic Handling

There is a difference in how traffic is handled in both hosting methods. With shared hosting, you are not able to handle surges in web activity and traffic. Although this can help in keeping costs down, there is a downside in that it means that your site will temporarily lose functionality. On the other hand, a cloud server can handle spikes in traffic because you do not rely on just one server.


With cloud technologies, you can use different technologies. This is because clouds are formed by multi-servers, which gives you the opportunity to work with different web tools and file formats. These web tools and file formats may not be available with the shared hosting environment of plain hosting. As an example, you can use both .php and .asp files with cloud technologies.


Internet security is very important, especially if you are handling sensitive data such as the bank and/or personal details of visitors to your website. Both options have different security measures. Ask your service provider about these security measures to protect your data and the privacy of your clients/customers.


A website can expand more with cloud technologies compared to shared or single servers. This is because there are many servers in the ‘cloud’, which means that if one server has a problem, it will not affect your connection.

Other web hosting services include dedicated server hosting and Virtual Private Server or VPS hosting. Some of the similarities are that in both cases, you can use virtual servers and the fact that both options are economical because there is no requirement for an initial investment and billing is based on the resources used.

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Cloud Hosting versus Shared Hosting

Cloud Hosting Versus Shared Hosting

Faip Host
hosting focus_keyword 8501872984 e9a4f45842

Image by carnagenyc

The internet is changing the way we trade, the way we communicate, and other aspects of our lives. This is partly because of the millions of websites that offer different solutions. For websites to be on the World Wide Web, their domains have to be hosted. The traditional method of web hosting is shared hosting, but cloud hosting is gaining ground because of its many advantages.

Each of the two options has some advantages and some disadvantages. This article will shed some light into those which will in turn help you make an informed decision.

Traffic Handling

There is a difference in how traffic is handled in both hosting methods. With shared hosting, you are not able to handle surges in web activity and traffic. Although this can help in keeping costs down, there is a downside in that it means that your site will temporarily lose functionality. On the other hand, a cloud server can handle spikes in traffic because you do not rely on just one server.


With cloud technologies, you can use different technologies. This is because clouds are formed by multi-servers, which gives you the opportunity to work with different web tools and file formats. These web tools and file formats may not be available with the shared hosting environment of plain hosting. As an example, you can use both .php and .asp files with cloud technologies.


Internet security is very important, especially if you are handling sensitive data such as the bank and/or personal details of visitors to your website. Both options have different security measures. Ask your service provider about these security measures to protect your data and the privacy of your clients/customers.


A website can expand more with cloud technologies compared to shared or single servers. This is because there are many servers in the cloud, which means that if one server has a problem, it will not affect your connection.

Other web hosting services include dedicated server hosting and Virtual Private Server or VPS hosting. Some of the similarities are that in both cases, you can use virtual servers and the fact that both options are economical because there is no requirement for an initial investment and billing is based on the resources used.

Sarah Miller has more than 5 years experience in article writing. Presently she is writing articles about cloud hosting, virtual servers and domains.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Cloud Hosting Versus Shared Hosting

giovedì 27 novembre 2014

Aircraft Fleet Management Specialists Soar Above Industry Standards

British Aerospace Avro 146-RJ100 (QinetiQ)
aerospace focus_keyword 10388823046 0c32be0ddc

Image by mangopulp2008

This event called the Night Photoshoot at RAF Northolt (UK) is a opportunity to photograph various aircraft at night. No Flash allowed when taking pictures of planes and this was a huge challenge for my phone camera, hence the poor quality. For better pictures please click the link below for better pictures from the same event

A third party aircraft fleet management team will take a fleet of military, government or OEM aircrafts and completely manage all facets of aircraft fleet management operations. Hiring experts in aircraft fleet management will improve scheduling, increase aircraft life, and reduce operating costs. An aircraft fleet management program is a performance based service, covering operating, engineering, materials, annual and long term maintenance planning. Aircraft fleet management involves coordination, performance monitoring and reporting. Specialists will cover integration, fleet worthiness, configurations and modification management. Selecting the right third party, aircraft fleet management company to work with your fleet, should be carefully selected. Important aspects to consider are the facilities and its location, experience of the aircraft fleet management team, and the company’s connections within the aircraft community.

An Aircraft Fleet Management Company that Flies Higher than the Rest

Cascade Aerospace is a third party, Transport Canada-approved aircraft maintenance facility, located with airside access to Abbotsford Airport in British Columbia, Canada. Cascade Aerospace has earned the reputation in the aircraft community for their commitment to providing the best customer service and satisfaction, in their state-of-the-art 230 000 square foot facility. Leading with a knowledgeable team, and management with a combined one hundred years of experience, the aircraft fleet management program is a trusted and respected service in the airline industry.

Aircraft Fleet Management Facilities

Since the construction of Cascade’s aircraft fleet management facilities in 2000, the facility, which accommodates eight narrow-body aircrafts, has been sought after for its multiple built in efficiencies:

Hangar floor computers. Quick access to technical data and parts ordering

Automated tool and part delivery to the shop floor

Bar-coded time and materiel management system

Vending machines that allocate consumables to each job

Overhead cranes. Easy removal of engines, tails and stabilizers

Support shops for: avionics, electronics, machine shop, structures, paint shop, component repair & overhaul.

Aircraft fleet management services are offered to models of the Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Bombardier aircrafts. The Cascade Aerospace team handles all requirements of an effective aircraft fleet management and program management service. The engineering, field support and integrated logistic support division exceed customer standards, and are comprised of the industries finest specialists.

Aircraft Fleet Management Top Partners and Customers

Cascade Aerospace believes in long-lasting partnerships. The aircraft fleet management company holds an impressive roster of customers and partners. These partnerships, from companies and organizations across the globe, work towards providing the best aircraft fleet management solutions for their customers. Some of the partnerships that have been established with Cascade Aerospace include: the Government of Saskatchewan, the province of Alberta, Lockheed Martin, Lynden Air Cargo, and YXX Aerospace Ltd. Their customers such as Herc Solutions, Viking and Bombardier know that the aircraft fleet management staffs at Cascade Aerospace fly above and beyond expectation, with their staff, full management programs, and modern aircraft fleet management facilities.

To learn more about aircraft fleet management programs, or other services offered at Cascade Aerospace, visit their website cascadeaerospace.

Cascade Aerospace Inc. is a dynamic, privately-held Canadian specialty aerospace and defence contractor focused on providing long-term integrated aircraft support programs for Original Equipment Manufacturers [OEMs], military, government and commercial customers. For more information please visit

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Aircraft Fleet Management Specialists Soar Above Industry Standards

Brief about Forums Hosting and CMS Hosting

Vintage Starburst Neon Sign Lit Up, Hiway Host Motel, At Sunset, View to the East, Mesa, Arizona
hosting focus_keyword 15207769921 0d234ca785

Image by classic_film

The vintage Hiway Host Motel, with its striking atomic-era starburst neon sign, was built in 1947. The motel is still in operation.

View to the east at sunset, sign lit up.


Hiway Host Motel

1260 W. Main Street

Mesa, Arizona

Forum hosting and CMS hosting are two very capable and affect yielding services with the capacity to infuse a very robust mechanism, that of hosting forums and content management systems. They both have become authorities in their own right and command a lot of respect amongst that stratum of web users which is constantly in touch with forum usage and content management systems for effective and uninterrupted work flow.


Forum hosting services are the ones that create a special place and haven for forums to be hosted and run properly. The hosting services are made on a variety of operating systems and given test runs so that they are proven to be flawless. Once the tests are over, comes the time for the forums to be put onto the systems. The forums are places where people come and post their comments, start discussions, take them ahead and turn them into long invigorating conversations. Forum hosting services are important because forums can at times be so long that they consume a lot of bandwidth and eat into a lot of server space. This consumption takes a toll on the overall efficacy of the server with other aspects taking a backseat.


CMS Hosting too is a great service to have. This service ensures that the content of the organization, which usually runs into heaps of digital files, is stored at a place where there is no third party interference. CMS Hosting is a very critical aspect of the organization’s day-to-day operational course as all the content that falls under its sole proprietorship is hosted through this service. The content can be of any type, whether they are files stored in various formats or source code written and saved in other such files or the written word which pertains to the interests of the company.


There are a lot of companies providing these hosting services and ensuring that they cater well to the client to whom they get deployed. The companies do these services with all the technology they have at their disposal and enrich them with state-of-the-art features for a competitive edge. The services are done on highly advanced tools. These tools have been acclaimed for their performance and talked about in a very high regard. Dexterity, compatibility, efficacy, support and effortless functioning are certain factors that are tried and tested before the final shipment is made to the client.


This brief is good enough to inform the pros and advantages that these services have. It will help interested parties know better how well the services can support their current mechanism and the profitable difference the services would eventually make. Both the services have a proven track record of easing management of forums and company content. Both have shown how highly effective they can be on their day, and have subsequently gone onto create a lot of value for enterprises that brought them into their establishment. It is good to have them, for they give any establishment a unique competitive edge.


IDS Web Hosting a brand name in India for its web hosting services which provides best ecommerce hosting services, hosting with crystal report and PHP MySQL Hosting at affordable prices. For more details visit our Web hosting India website.

More Hosting Articles

Brief about Forums Hosting and CMS Hosting

Girls Self Defense

Reconnaissance Imagery Taken by Raptor Pod from Tornado GR4 Over Afghanistan
aerospace e defense focus_keyword 4888089279 4df48e2cfa

Image by Defence Images

Imagery taken by a Raptor reconnaissance pod attached to a GR4 Tornado aircraft during operations in Afghanistan, showing coalition vehicles manoeuvring.

Reconnaissance Airborne Pod for Tornado, RAPTOR, which is built by BF Goodrich Aerospace, is a new stand-off electro-optical and infrared (IR), long-range oblique-photography pod fitted to the Tornado GR4.

The images received by the pod can be transmitted via a real-time data-link system to image analysts at a ground station, or can be displayed in the cockpit during flight. The imagery can also be recorded for post-flight analysis. The RAPTOR system can create images of hundreds of separate targets in one sortie; it is capable of autonomous operation against preplanned targets, or it can be re-tasked manually for targets of opportunity or to select a different route to the target.

The stand-off range of the sensors allows the aircraft to remain outside heavily-defended areas, to minimise the aircraft’s exposure to enemy air-defence systems.

See for more info on this amazing bit of kit.


Are you sometimes scared when walking home at night? Maybe you are walking home after a late night course or from work and you have to walk home alone in the dark? It is also true that as a girl you are more vulnerable and the threat from an attacker feels present and constantly worrrying. So what do you do? What can make you feel better and vastly improve your safety in the street? Learning self defense that is what you need. If you learn Girls Self Defense you will not only feel safer but you will also be safter. So read on and learn how to take the first step.

You are not the only one who feels unsafe when walking the streets. Many girls feel this way and for a reason. We live in a rough world and there are desperate people out there. Murderers, rapists and thiefs who couldn’t care less about what happens to you as long as they get whatever valuables you might have. Men also carry this fear and they are also at risk, but girls and women are still more at risk to be attacked or raped.

So how do you protect yourself? How can you protect yourself in the street? There are a few different steps to take in order to improve your safety. The first thing you must learn is awareness. Awareness means that you are aware of your surroundings, that you are observant of the situation around you and the potential dangers that it poses. Secondly you must learn what to do and how to react if you really do get attacked. Knowing what to do can be difference between being seriously injured, raped or even killed and being able to escape without harm. So let us take a look at awareness and fending off an attack.

If you are aware it means that you for example anticipate. You keep a distance from the wall of a sidewalk as someone might be lurking in an alley on the side, this way you will have some margin and you might discover the threat in time. Certain backstreets should be avoided if there are no other people around, better to take a longer way around it. You might in certain cases take a taxi instead of walking. When you are alone  try to stick to places where there are other people. You will be safer with people around you and this way you can also get help if needed.

You also have to learn what to do if someone does attack you. Attacks often comes unexpected as the attacker uses his advantage of surprise. However if you react in a way that he does not expect it will give you an advantage as this is something he is not used to. A few simple moves will give you the time needed to get out of there in safety. Here is what to do:


Make a lot of noise. This will distract the attacker and you might also get attention from people nearby. In some cases this might even be enough to scare of your attacker

Find one of his week spots and attack it. It does not matter how big or strong he is if you kick him in the groin or put a finger in his eye this will still hurt him. Your advantage is that he does not expect you to do this. Most people simply freeze and are unable to offer any resistance.


Use anything you have got in order to fend him off. You are wearing high heeld shoes? Stomp him on the foot with your heel. Use your purse to whack him in the face or throat. Use an umbrella, your keys or anything else that might cause him harm. Just don’t spend any time searching for weapons, you do not have time for that.

To summarize, self defense is easier than you think, you simply need the right training. You need to learn a few simple methods to fend an attacker off and you need to get the right mindset so that you really act in an emergency and not freeze and be unable to act. A good self defense course will teach this. It is really a good idea as this will not only improve your safety but it will also take a weight of your mind and make you feel more at ease and give you more confidence.

There is a lot more to be said about self defense. Learning girls self defense will improve not only your safety but also your life in general. This is because it will give you peace of mind and self confidence. So to learn Girls Self Defense, you could check out this website: here you will find a lot more info on how to learn really simple, effective self defense

More Aerospace E Defense Articles

Girls Self Defense

Read Before You Register a Domain for Your Business

However, during the recent years, it has become simply imperative for businesses to have a notable online presence in order to sustain the rise in the level of competition in all business domains. Unless a business has an appealing website to represent it in the virtual world, the chances of the venture sustaining for long are really bleak, and this is where the need to Register domain comes into being.

In order to make the most out of the widespread popularity the internet is gaining, businesses need to have a compelling and persuasive domain name. However, before selecting a domain name, it is extremely important to consider some critical factors affecting the overall aptness of the viable domain names.

Following are some of the key aspects required to be considered when planning to register a domain: • Relevance – When looking to get a domain name registered for your business, it is important to ensure that the domain you choose not only represents your brand, but is also relevant to the products or services you offer.

• Extension – The extension of the domain name is a pivotal factor in deciding the nature as well as well as the number of visitors received by your website. For instance, if your target audience is in UK, it is recommended to go for ‘.uk’ or ‘’ extension.

Validity – Every Domain name registration • is valued for a predefined period of time. Hence, when buying the domain; it is extremely important for you to give due consideration to the period of time you are planning to use the domain name for, and apply accordingly.

• Simplicity – When choosing a domain name for your business, it is important to keep it simple to ensure your target visitors are able to remember its name. Thus, always avoid lengthy and complicated domain names.

• Optimization – Believe it or not, but the domain name you choose has a direct impact on the optimization of your website and its position on web search engines. Hence, to ensure your website is search engine friendly, always choose a name relevant to your line of business.

If you are one of the many businesses looking to register a domain, you may consider sourcing the need to a domain name registration provider in India in order to get unmatched value for your investment.

I am webmaster of they do not want any virus or other issues to hamper their Register domain or cause hindrance in their presence. This is the reason why they prefer Domain name registration services.

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Read Before You Register a Domain for Your Business

Dallas Defense Attorney

Tornado GR 4 RAPTOR Imagery taken from Op TOR SHEZADA
aerospace e defense focus_keyword 5036506424 f15a78222b

Image by Defence Images

Imagery taken by a Raptor reconnaisance pod attached to a GR4 Tornado aircraft during operations in Afghanistan, showing coalition vehicles manoeuvring.

Reconnaissance Airborne Pod for Tornado, RAPTOR, which is built by BF Goodrich Aerospace, is a new stand-off electro-optical and infrared (IR), long-range oblique-photography pod fitted to the Tornado GR4.

The images received by the pod can be transmitted via a real-time data-link system to image analysts at a ground station, or can be displayed in the cockpit during flight. The imagery can also be recorded for post-flight analysis. The RAPTOR system can create images of hundreds of separate targets in one sortie; it is capable of autonomous operation against preplanned targets, or it can be re-tasked manually for targets of opportunity or to select a different route to the target.

The stand-off range of the sensors allows the aircraft to remain outside heavily-defended areas, to minimise the aircraft’s exposure to enemy air-defence systems.
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Driving under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering substances could get you into serious trouble, whether or not you are involved in a motor accident. Because of the severity of the penalties involved in Texas, if you are arrested on any driving charges involving substance abuse, you need to immediately contact a really good Dallas DWI lawyer. If you have been arrested for driving while intoxicated in Texas, this is regarded in a very serious light. These are some of the penalties you can expect against you. Starting with a first drunk driving conviction, you could find yourself in jail for anything from 72 hours to 180 days, and have to pay a fine of up to $ 2,000.

Your licence could be suspended for typically between 90 and 365 days. On top of that, there is a DWI surcharge of $ 1,000 per year, for three years. If, however, you have a child (under the age of 15) as a passenger in the car, the picture changes somewhat. Your jail sentence could be as much as two years, and your fine could be up to $ 10,000. Your surcharge and license suspension penalties would remain the same. If you have been arrested for a second or subsequent offense, the penalties that will be meted out to you will go up exponentially, depending on how many times you have be caught before. Your convictions remain on record and influence future DUI criminal cases for a period of ten years What your DWI attorney, Dallas will do is first of all examine the procedure that was followed by the police when they arrested you and subsequently.

There is a rigid protocol required to be followed in the legal system, and your lawyer will first make sure there are no loopholes or any mistakes on the part of the law enforcement agents. The next thing your DWI attorney Dallas will do is examine the whole case against you to find any extenuating circumstances. You have to remember that the state of Texas explicitly forbids reduction of DWI charges to lesser criminal offenses. However, your DWI attorney may be able to subject the terms of a DWI conviction to a more favorable plea bargain. With all this in mind, you may be wondering what constitutes illegal levels of BAC (blood alcohol content).

Because of different reactions by different people to drinking alcohol, the only truly safe way to be sure your blood alcohol content is not too high, is not to drink at all when you intend to drive the same day. Although the legal limit of alcohol consumption is only reached at 0.08 BAC, Texas has a zero tolerance stance with regard to mind altering substances. If your driving is erratic in any way, even though your BAC is within limits, you can still be charged if any alcohol is found in your blood at all! The general estimate for an average adult of about 155lbs is that he or she will reach the 0.08% limit on drinking three glasses of dry wine, five cans of beer, or four tots of spirits. But your BAC could reach this percentage before this, depending on your body’s absorption rate and other physical factors. If, after you have been aprehended, you are found to have a really high BAC, that is, 0.16 or above, you will have to pay an additional surcharge of $ 2,000 per year for three years. Probationary drivers, and drivers below the age of twenty one are not permitted to have any trace of alcohol in their blood. In other words, 0%!

Please call The Law Offices of Carl David Ceder at , immediately if you are seeking the services of a Dallas Defense Attorney, a Dallas DWI Lawyer, a Dallas Personal Injury Attorney or a Dallas Auto Accident Attorney.

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