venerdì 2 gennaio 2015


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There are no Advertisements, No hourly Captchas and we will not be spamming you with commercial messages. The coins we give daily to every user increase gradually over time as well. Furthermore, we apply a loyalty bonus that increases the daily payouts with 0.1% per day.


Who is ?

During our review we were surprised to find how transparent they are with their contact information business.  Is a

During our review we were surprised to find how transparent they are with their contact information business. Is an officially registered company in Hong Kong and their address is on their website. The name is CEO Wouter van der Shagt. Was invented in December 2013 and was officially launched in January 2014. Has a social media presence in all the major sites and appear to be active on them. They have a Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Google + 1, which is quite active with social media posts.

What is ?

Is currently a web site in which only the opening of a deposit account will be fractions of Bitcoin, and Litecoin Dogecoin your account. The system is 90% automated, all you have to do is open an account at their website and coins will be deposited each day. To withdraw must manually request.

Click here to signup 

Why give me free Bitcoins?

Seems Bitcoin giving out free as an incentive to join their website. Their strategy seems as if you are raising a massive user base Bitcoin so they can then launch further new products related Bitcoin. This is based on information they include in their “Our vision of the future” of their website. We assume that eventually enter the space of affiliate marketing and start pushing Bitcoin sister and partner, the products on their user base.

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Free Bitcoins are automatically deposited into your account every 24 hours. Do not you have to ask yourself.

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Withdrawal from

Withdrawal from must be done manually by logging into your account and request a payment. There is a minimum payout that can be achieved in a few weeks if there is no reference to any site. We strongly advise you to use your referral link from them to increase the daily amount of Bitcoins free.


Overall is perhaps the easiest way to free Bitcoins. All that is needed is to set up an account and wait a couple of weeks for the surroundings of Bitcoin to accumulate.




                                                Click Here To SignUp





giovedì 1 gennaio 2015

Cloud Servers

MCLI Server “Farm”
Image by cogdogblog

A tour of the mcli server "farm", more of an agglomeration.

Starting from the left, we have "Jade", a 1.33GhZ Apple Xserver that runs CogDogBlog (weblog plus a few more), the Feed2JS site as well as virtual hosting Maricopa eP, an electronic portolio system. The Xserve also does some QuickTime streaming, such as our examples of Digital Stories created by faculty in a summer workshop.

Below the table, the left tower is Azurite, a Mac OSX server (1 GHz) that mainly hosts project files and FileMaker databases used my our office staff. It runs as a web server just a copy of our Writing HTML tutorial as well as a smaller amount of QuickTime streaming.

The tower on the right is a 664 MhZ Pentium 2, also know as "Realgar" where I test a few new applications, run an evaluation license of Helix (Real Media server), and some things like a copy of my Kiwi Wiki.

To the right of this is a 20 minute APS battery backup. Just in case your power goes out… for less than 20 minutes. All the servers are set to reboot if their power goes out.

What is really cool is a new Belkin OmniViewKVM switch (left of the monitor), a 4 way switchbox so you can use one Keyboard, Video, and Mouse to switch between 4 computers– the nice feature here is the ability to connect to either USB (Mac) or PS/2 (the old PC) connections.

Finally, on the shelf above are 4 FireWire hard drives, used for backups of the two Mac servers with Retrospect. Each server rotates backups between two external drives.

The PC server backs up over the ntetwork to another server upstairs, which then does its own backups on a dedicated tape drive.

Cloud servers

Cloud server technology, computing power increased management demands effective and easy server cloud. Cloud computing is an Internet infrastructure to demand self-service where users pay as and when, and use only what they need. It is controlled by a browser application or API. With the technology of the clouds, all server instances fully scalable and continuous monitoring. Within minutes you can get more disk space, bandwidth, memory, and there will be no impact on your operating environment. Virtualization software that comes with the cloud provides an easy management and mobility. Just like a standard server dedicated servers clouds root access, memory, files, processes, configuration files, IP addresses, system libraries and programs.

simple and effective management of the cloud is the result of cloud environments, for easy navigation. Users have all the information and the control of a single panel allows for easy deployment and management of cloud environments. No matter how large or complex deployment, users, manage and monitor their servers for many service providers from a single dashboard. Both the hardware and servers virtualized multi-tenant, the instrument panel makes the management of this hybrid infrastructure, very easy.

When the cloud of management, users manage systems, not individual servers. When the effective management, users can perform a simple tracking script, so you can keep track of what they want. Cloud-platform provider of management for users superb control and transparency, and can solve problems, verify, manage and maintain applications throughout the life cycle of deployment. In addition, users can create and manage access rights and rights of access through multi-level production systems. They can also set user IDs to monitor the use and cost of the project reviews, and department.

cloud servers allows you to resize horizontally by balancing load across multiple web interfaces. They have a management function of the template makes it easy to balance the load. You can also identify new servers clouds identical for tests without sacrificing your original cloud. A dedicated server includes the construction of a new server, installing the software, then copy data to new hardware. It can be expensive because you have to employ redundant hardware in months or years.

Cloud hosting services provide all the necessary tools to manage their servers. It is easy to perform tasks such as browsers of your backup, restore, firewall, monitoring, scale and private network. With dedicated servers, hosting services can be very expensive because you have to pay each payment, such as leasing a PBX. In addition, with each rental, you will have a monthly contract or annual contract. When it comes to choosing a server for your business web site, you should check the value of the servers in the cloud, since they are highly profitable and high-performance servers that can meet the demands of the enterprise server. Furthermore, the quality of hosting services that are determined to ensure that all needs are met server.

Cloud storage is a system of online storage where data is stored on virtual servers rather than dedicated servers. Hosting companies have large data centers and people are saved and people are often also a storage space in the lease as well. Storage resources in the cloud is also virtualized data center operators based on customer needs and pool storage resources, clients can use resources according to their needs.

Often, a gateway to cloud storage can be used for offices and the customer, which makes the device to operate at a normal storage device. The gateway servers are translated into standard cloud hosting API-based storage protocol data block or file-based storage protocol.

Cloud Servers

Datacorp Technology