Is a multi-currency online wallet giving free coins to every user every day. You can find us at:
Supported currencies are:
- Bitcoin – BTC
- Dogecoin – DOGE
- Litecoin – LTC
- Feathercoin – FTC
- Worldcoin – WDC
- Earthcoin – EAC
- Fedoracoin – TIPS
- Digitalcoin – DGC
- Infinitecoin – IFC
- Virtacoin – VTA
There are no Advertisements, No hourly Captchas and we will not be spamming you with commercial messages. The coins we give daily to every user increase gradually over time as well. Furthermore, we apply a loyalty bonus that increases the daily payouts with 0.1% per day.
Who is ?
During our review we were surprised to find how transparent they are with their contact information business. Is a
During our review we were surprised to find how transparent they are with their contact information business. Is an officially registered company in Hong Kong and their address is on their website. The name is CEO Wouter van der Shagt. Was invented in December 2013 and was officially launched in January 2014. Has a social media presence in all the major sites and appear to be active on them. They have a Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Google + 1, which is quite active with social media posts.
What is ?
Is currently a web site in which only the opening of a deposit account will be fractions of Bitcoin, and Litecoin Dogecoin your account. The system is 90% automated, all you have to do is open an account at their website and coins will be deposited each day. To withdraw must manually request.
Click here to signup
Why give me free Bitcoins?
Seems Bitcoin giving out free as an incentive to join their website. Their strategy seems as if you are raising a massive user base Bitcoin so they can then launch further new products related Bitcoin. This is based on information they include in their “Our vision of the future” of their website. We assume that eventually enter the space of affiliate marketing and start pushing Bitcoin sister and partner, the products on their user base.
How many times can I get free from QoinPro Bitcoin?
Free Bitcoins are automatically deposited into your account every 24 hours. Do not you have to ask yourself.
Maximize Bitcoins free
The best way to get a lot of Bitcoin free from other lovers Bitcoin is returning to the site using your referral link staff that you receive when you access the site. When users click on your referral link and sign up will get a boost for the daily amount of money deposited into your account.
Withdrawal from
Withdrawal from must be done manually by logging into your account and request a payment. There is a minimum payout that can be achieved in a few weeks if there is no reference to any site. We strongly advise you to use your referral link from them to increase the daily amount of Bitcoins free.
Overall is perhaps the easiest way to free Bitcoins. All that is needed is to set up an account and wait a couple of weeks for the surroundings of Bitcoin to accumulate.
Click Here To SignUp