giovedì 6 novembre 2014

Registering a domain with an Indian identifier extension

Image taken from page 593 of ‘Neêrlands heldendaden te land, van de vroegste tijden af tot in onze dagen. (Bijlagen.-Algemeen register.) [With maps.]‘
domain register focus_keyword 11010268566 75fe58a678

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Title: "Neêrlands heldendaden te land, van de vroegste tijden af tot in onze dagen. (Bijlagen.-Algemeen register.) [With maps.]"
Author: BOSSCHA, Joannes – the Elder
Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 9415.c.2."
Volume: 03
Page: 593
Place of Publishing: Leeuwarden
Date of Publishing: 1834
Issuance: monographic
Identifier: 000422747


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Using a specific identifier is a fantastic way of targeting a specific market; in this case this is the Indian market. The extension that is specific to the Indian country is .in. This identifies a website that specifically targets the Indian population with the content. It is usually combined with the use of Hindi language on the website and have content that is only applicable within the Indian context. This is a fine way of ensuring that you have exceptionally high traffic from the target area.

.in domain names are typically issued by the country code top level domain name registrar. These are companies that have been mandated by the ICANN- Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, to provide these services. As their name denotes, they are usually placed in charge of a specific country. This gives them control over the use of country specific identifier extensions. The process of getting a domain name with this particular extension is actually quite simple.

First, conduct a search on the internet to find out which domain registrar handles the .in domain names. This information will be provided to you by the top search engines quite fast. Select the links that you have gotten from the search engine. This should redirect you to the page of the registrar. On this page,  you will find tools that allow you to conduct a search of the registry. Conduct a search of the registry to find out whether the name you intend to use is available. Depending on how unique your name is, in most cases, it will be available to register domain.

In case the domain name you need has already been registered, check to see whether the registration is active. In some cases, you may find that registration is expiring and the person who currently holds it has no intention of renewing it. When it has already been used, some registrars will provide you with a WHOIS lookup tool that lets you find the current owner. You can then contact them to buy the domain name from them.

If the .in domain name you want is available, you can register it. You provide contact details such as your telephone number, area of residence, email address, and other information that may be required. You then pay the fee that is required and the process is complete. Some domain registrars will bundle free hosting into the deal so choose carefully.



On the Internet a domain name is basically your identity (or your company’s identity). Make sure you pick a domain that you will want to keep forever and that people will be able to easily recognize. For more information visit @

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