domenica 16 novembre 2014

What Blog Web Hosting Needs

Felicia Day 0106
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Image by MingleMediaTVNetwork

Mingle Media TV and host Misty Kingma were in Vegas at CES 2012 and covered the inaugural IAWTV Awards. The International Academy of Web Television (IAWTV) Awards is the first award show within the Web television industry to be presented by content creators, for content creators. From studio content producers to YouTube celebrities, those successfully creating entertainment for digital platforms were celebrated via 33 categories honoring web series and online talent, in front of the camera and behind the scenes.

For more information about the IAWTV Awards visit their website at

For more coverage of this event and others, watch our video interviews from the Red Carpet and follow us on Twitter and Facebook here:

Blog Web Hosting comes with a lot of great features and it is not always easy to really understand what they will all do, it can be very difficult to know what is right for blogging sites.  A web host is obviously needed but getting one can be very difficult especially when people do not really know or understand what is going to be needed. 

People can see the features, they see the functions but still people don’t know if their web host that they are choosing is going to be the best.  So what is really going to be needed for blog hosting?  Firstly everyone should be looking to set up the host and start creating their websites in the same day and they want to get that across the web soon.  However people find that they have to set up the site, buy a domain in one place but they are going to have to register the domain in separate places. 

That can take a lot of time and it might not be everyone that wants to do that.  Now blog hosts can allow people to buy their domain and register them with them taking out a lot of the complications.

Now with web hosts, they always provide a lot of space so that should not really be worried over, just make sure that the amount of storage space and bandwidth is going to hold enough for everything for the blog.

People needs to make sure that if there is going to be a lot of videos or pictures uploaded to the blog or site that there is going to be enough space to hold all of the files.  Many blog hosting companies will offer many different packages over the amount of space being offered so even if one package is not suitable another might be.

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What Blog Web Hosting Needs

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